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The Files -
A Tribute to "Jitterbug"

Welcome to The Files - A Tribute to "Jitterbug". The majority of this website's visitors, no matter how hard they try, will never truly be able to understand and comprehend the full impact which Razor and Ruudboy's old high school friend and confidant Mr. had on both of us during his time spent at our institution of learning. That is why we have set up this page in order to pay our proper respects to a man who was both a stabilizing force and a mentor for both of us throughout the years past (and no, he's not dead, of course -- but we have still chosen to treat him with the same respect and dignity as a fallen hero).

A Man of Integrity. A Man of Responsibility. A Man Filled With Love for All Things Good.

Regrettably, we have no pictures of Mr. for this tribute page (he always made a point to stay out of the spotlight, preferring instead to initiate his heroic acts in private and allow others to seek fame); either way, we feel that a simple photograph could never do him justice, as true greatness needs not be captured in a photo, but can actually be seen and felt. Such is the case with our dear friend "Jitterbug", a truly honorable individual who found his way into our hearts early on. How did Mr. find such loyal, devoted friends at AGCS? It's actually quite a long story, and it wouldn’t be very respectful to Mr. if we were to clutter up this tribute page with his own life story; just know that Mr. left an indelible mark on nearly every aspect of our personal lives, and we will never forget him as long as we live.

How did Mr. find such loyal, devoted friends in Razor and Ruudboy? It's really quite a long and drawn-out story, and it would not be very respectful to Mr. if we were to clutter up his special tribute page with the story of his own life, but just know that Mr.

Come to think of it, how can we ever forget "Jitterbug", who filled our once-drab lives with new hope in such a way that two-time U.S. President George W. Bush could never hope to achieve? In that same token, there are others who deserve our admiration as well, but Mr. receives our respect on a totally different level due to his amazing accomplishments. Thank you, Mr., for everything you've given us. Though we don't know where you are right now, we do know that whatever your present circumstances, you will always remain rooted firmly in our hearts and memories.

Signing Off for Now,

Razor and Ruudboy

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